Friday, March 10, 2017

XML Parsing IN SQL Server

COOL SQLServer code of the week

Hey Integration Fans....

Cool Code of the week.... so using Pervasive I was trying to parse an XML file like the Sample below. It had 125000 Request segments and was taking 45 minutes to process. I changed to delimited text source like I had done at FirstCare, and did my own parsing and that brought the time down by 10%.

The I tried the SQL code below to parse the XML inside of SQL SERVER... and that brought the parsing down to 125 seconds in 2 passes ( one for each request type). Note the savings was from 2700 seconds to 125, a reduction to 4.6% of the original time.

Enjoy this could be really helpful.


Sample XML showing schema....

<Request RequestType="CONSUMERTAG">
<Request RequestType="AREVENT">
<message-text>Received New score information from Skiptrace Lexis Nexis</message-text>

And here is the SQL:

SELECT @XML = CAST((SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET (BULK '\\wasvpdb005\FileImport\LN_PostProcess\LN_Tag.xml' , SINGLE_BLOB) AS x) AS XML);
SELECT RequestNodes,
CAST( RequestNodes AS NVARCHAR(4000)) RequestNodeTxt,
SELECT T.c.value('.','varchar(8)')
FROM RequestNodes.nodes('/assign-consumer-tag/tag-short-name[1]') T(c)
) tag_short_name,
SELECT T.c.value('.','int')
FROM RequestNodes.nodes('/assign-consumer-tag/consumer-agency-identifier[1]') T(c)
) consumer_agency_identifier
SELECT T.c.query('.') AS RequestNodes
--, T.c.value('../@RequestType','varchar(50)') AS result
FROM @XML.nodes('/ETLWebServiceRequests/Request/*') T(c)
) RequestNodes

SELECT RequestNodes,
CAST( RequestNodes AS NVARCHAR(4000)) RequestNodeTxt,
SELECT T.c.value('.','varchar(8)')
FROM RequestNodes.nodes('/save-arevent-with-shortnames/action-code-shortname[1]') T(c)
) action_code_shortname,
SELECT T.c.value('.','varchar(8)')
FROM RequestNodes.nodes('/save-arevent-with-shortnames/message-text[1]') T(c)
) message_text,
SELECT T.c.value('.','varchar(8)')
FROM RequestNodes.nodes('/save-arevent-with-shortnames/action-code-shortname[1]') T(c)
) action_code_shortname,
SELECT T.c.value('.','int')
FROM RequestNodes.nodes('/save-arevent-with-shortnames/consumer-agency-identifier[1]') T(c)
) consumer_agency_identifier
SELECT T.c.query('.') AS RequestNodes
--, T.c.value('../@RequestType','varchar(50)') AS result
FROM @XML.nodes('/ETLWebServiceRequests/Request/*') T(c)
) RequestNodes

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